Labour Refresher Session
If you are expecting your second, or subsequent baby, and feel like you've forgotten everything about how to manage labour and a newborn then this lovely refresher session could be just what you need.
This 1:1 bespoke video call will last around 1.5 hours and will recap on labour, birth and how to get off to the best start with your newborn.
Cost: £65
To really get you off to the best start, you could combine this refresher session with a 2 week package of postnatal messaging and phone support for once your baby is here.
I will be on hand to answer all your newborn related queries and can help with feeding advice, ways to settle your baby and all those little questions that invariably pop up in the early postnatal period! You may like to use this time to chat through the birth too.
The beauty of this bespoke service is that we come up with a package to suit what you really need at the time.
Cost for refresher session plus 2 week remote postnatal support: £150